Приветствия из Америки / Greetings from America

3 Дек 2018
Hello to all!

I am sorry if this message is in the wrong place.

I humbly ask your advice. Is it possible to help me learn how to transport a motorcycle from Magadan to Moscow? Or Magadan to Europe? I prefer air cargo if possible, but I can explore other options too.

I hope to arrive to Magadan late August/early September 2019.

Kindest thanks and respect to you all,

Jeff / BackpackerMoto / United States


(English to Russian)

Привет всем!

Прошу прощения, если это сообщение не в том месте.

Я смиренно прошу вашего совета. Можно ли помочь мне научиться транспортировать мотоцикл из Магадана в Москву? Или Магадан в Европу? Я предпочитаю воздушный груз, если это возможно, но я также могу изучить другие варианты.

Я надеюсь приехать в Магадан в конце августа / начале сентября 2019 года.

Огромное спасибо и уважение ко всем вам,

Jeff / BackpackerMoto / Соединенные Штаты
Hello, Jeff!
There are few options - by air or by sea+railroad. The best way is to contact to Alexey aka Darksky (the President Polar Owl, motorbike club from Magadan). His mail is zenon417s@gmail.com.
Let me know if you have the other question.
Hello, Jeff!
There are few options - by air or by sea+railroad. The best way is to contact to Alexey aka Darksky (the President Polar Owl, motorbike club from Magadan). His mail is zenon417s@gmail.com.
Let me know if you have the other question.
Дима, он уже вроде как не президент.
По теме в сентябре там легко может снег лежать, но холодно точно будет это 100%

. SM-J510FN .
В любом случае Лёша даст более объективную инфу, к тому же он сам сказал на него замкнуть мотопута.

Thank you very much for your quick and kind answer. I will send Lesha a email at zenon417s@gmail.com.


Thank you! Yes, very cold it shall be! I try to arrive mid-August, but transport motorcycle after that.

Again, my sincere thanks to you and your club.

Good trip, Jeff!))
Hey, Jeff, where are you from, in US? ;)

My family is from Los Angeles, California.

But now, I live on border of Idaho/Wyoming, very very close to Yellowstone National Park. Much more quiet and better moto riding here!
Should be nice place! Always been a bit around it, but never exactly there.
Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming are the best places to ride.
My niece is graduating USC in LA next spring, probably will come for ceremony.
But Daytona bike week has higher priority :p
Should be nice place! Always been a bit around it, but never exactly there.
Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming are the best places to ride.
My niece is graduating USC in LA next spring, probably will come for ceremony.
But Daytona bike week has higher priority :p

Yes! Beautiful riding in the western United States. I look forward to riding in Russia.

I too graduated USC. : smile: I was very lucky, had a scholarship.
Hi Jeff!
You will be in Moscow - write here, think up a tour of the capital for you. :smile:
Hi Jeff! How are you? It seems you are the first American here))) Welcome! It's nice and friendly here!
Are any interesting bike events happening in your area? What websites do you visit?
Have a good trip next year!
Hi Jeff! How are you? It seems you are the first American here))) Welcome! It's nice and friendly here!
Are any interesting bike events happening in your area? What websites do you visit?
Have a good trip next year!

Hello Sergei. Thank you for nice welcome. Russia moto riders have reputation of being very friendly and helpful, I see that is true!

Last month I went to bike show in Long Beach, CA. Not as big as EICMA but still fun. Always need one more bike, yes?







When I am in Idaho, I like to ride solo. I am sorry, not BMW! : smile:



In January, I shall ride mostly easy California Backcountry Discovery Route: https://ridebdr.com/CABDR

I think Russia and Siberia much much harder!

Websites: mostly advrider.com and thumpertalk.com
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